HomeResourcesStand out in the Summer Sales

Stand out in the Summer Sales

20th June 2022 - 3 mins


By Lauren Heckman

, Content Marketing Manager

PRICE is no longer the big differentiator it once was when it comes to retail sales! So how can your marketing campaigns help you stand out from the crowd?

Well, here are our TOP TEN TIPS to help you make waves this summer…

1. It’s a multi-channel market

Make sure your summer sales shine bright by maximising relevant channels to provide the consumer with as many touch points as possible, in-store, online, email comms, social media, SMS and more…
Almost three quarters (73%) of shoppers will use multiple channels during the purchase process1.
Social media has become the ‘go-to’ for many shoppers, with 33% of UK consumers shopping on social2. However, when it comes to driving sales, email beats paid social and display advertising by up to 128%3.

2. Encourage sharing

Word of Mouth recommendations are relevant to 81% of consumers4, so maximise the reach of your summer sales by adding an ‘open in WhatsApp’ CTA to encourage customers to share your great summer offers with their friends and family.
Women sat looking at Effiel Tower in Paris

3. Get to know your customer

Take the time to do some data collection this summer. Why not ask them about their summer plans – that way you can tailor your communications to their needs.
For example, there’s no point pushing the latest bikinis if they’re heading for a city break in Paris.
Personalised marketing can increase sales by 10% (or more!) and deliver up to 8x the ROI on what you spend on marketing!

4. Reward loyalty

When it comes to summer sales, why not give your VIPs early access to a ‘first look’ at a new range or early access to a sale to be able to buy before the general public?
Make them feel special and explain it is an exclusive offer for a limited time. Adding urgency will create more of a demand.

5. Predict consumer behaviour

If you have a large segment of single purchasers before your summer sales start, then use predictive analytics to understand the behaviours of these customers and predict which ones are more likely to make their second purchase with you in your summer campaign!
Women looking at summer dresses in wardrobe

6. Turn a wish into a purchase

With it being the holiday season, many customers may browse through summer wardrobes and create wish lists of items they’d like for their next getaway.
Therefore, create an automated summer wishlist campaign by using wish list data– a quick and easy retargeting opportunity to encourage the sale of summer items you know they want!

7. Promote when the price drops

Even though we said that price isn’t the main differentiator, many will be feeling the pinch, so any summer sales or discounts you have should be promoted to your customer base to stop them from moving over to a competitor.
A quick and simple way is through an automated price drop email which can alert your customers who have browsed certain items if there are price drops from their most wanted summer items.

8. Inspire a purchase

Start displaying User Generated Content within emails to show people wearing the items on holiday or how they have styled them at a summer get-together to encourage a purchase.
Inspire your customer and make it easier for them to visualise how they will utilise their purchase once they have made it.
Women under an umbrella in a summer shower

9. Whatever the weather

The British summer weather is unpredictable, but you shouldn’t halt your summer campaigns emails because of the weather.
Be clever and use contextual data such as weather to dynamically switch out content within your campaigns depending on the weather for that customer in their location.
For example hoodies for that colder BBQ, or a summery dress for anyone lucky enough to get British sun.

10. Pay day promotions

With most brits still being paid on the last working day of the month, this provides three paydays over your core summer months of June, July and August.
Launching promotions around that time is a great way to capture your target audience when they are more likely to have more disposable income available to buy their new summer wardrobe!
If you’d like to hear how RedEye can help you stand out from the crowd this Summer then contact us.

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1 https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2021/04/19/what-will-the-impact-be-e-commerce-when-we-go-back-normal
2 https://www.retail-insight-network.com/analysis/uk-shoppers-turn-to-social-media-to-discover-and-buy-new-products/
3 https://www.marketingtechnews.net/news/2022/apr/04/uk-consumers-demand-hyper-personalisation-new-report-reveals/
4 https://fashiondiscounts.uk/online-shopping-statistics/
eCommerce Expo

About the author

Lauren Heckman
Lauren Heckman Content Marketing Manager
Lauren is a Content Marketing Manager. With keen interest in strategic campaign planning and digital marketing trends in the B2B market.

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